I want to give some thoughts: I have fruit trees on my property, thus I've been able to observe them for a number of years. Fruit trees need to be pruned regularly. It is not unusual for certain years to be extremely abundant---most likely this is dependent on the weather patterns, as well as the frequency of the pruning. Some years I've had NOT ONE fruit on the trees. Weather issues: frost can completely kill off the bloom. The tree is expecting Spring---warm days have encouraged it to bloom, but the frost comes unexpectedly and kills off the bloom. No bloom=no fruit.
Some fruit trees prefer the summer to be hot, others cooler and more wet. My apple tree produced the best several summers ago when it was cool and w/ frequent rains.
The pear tree has been predictably prolific.
Peach is way more delicate and "touchy."
Even when not bearing fruit, however, the trees have always had green growth, so my observations don't really address the 'no leaves and no fruit' that Mia saw.
Mia: do you know what type of fruit trees where in your vision ? Could it be that the trees were on an "off" year----hadn't been pruned adequately or that the weather conditions weren't favorable or were simply in a "rest period" ? (a period of testing). Even when the tree doesn't produce, it is storing up energy for production for the following year !
[Maurita Eberly, Jan 2, 2013]
I have been enjoying enjoying your post and resulting thread, I hope U don't mind me weighing in. When Jesus healed the blind man @ BETHSAIDA(MARK 8:23) he then ask him if he saw ought and the man's ans. is really quite strange: " I SEE MEN AS TREES WALKING." I think Laura also brought-up the FIG TREE that Jesus cursed, and that IS really quiet interesting: I understand it wasn't even the season for the tree; in other words the tree was out of season, so why did Jesus curse the tree? Jesus was getting ready to show these(mostly) Jewish disciples something SO PROFOUND he wanted something they could visualize as a reference to this HUGE EVENT. This TRANSFORMATION was THE turning point in history that completely changed the focus of HISTORY! Even today people seem to miss this crucial point. But before we continue with JESUS and the fig tree, what about the example Ian Thomas brings out 2 KINGS 2:19, pg 28: "the water was naught and the ground barren." We know it was a beautiful place, but just as the trees were about to bear fruit the fruit would prematurely fall to the ground. Three times THE HOLY SPIRIT uses trees to give us a picture of something...., what?
A brother of mine said he walked into his backyard and the Lord showed him something thru an oak tree. He said he stared @ the huge oak and the Lord ask him basically......, do U see the Life in that tree? He answered "No"...., Then Doug picked-up an Acorn and the same question, and Doug gave the same answer:"no." Doug deduced he could not see the life in the tree, just the outward manifestation of THAT LIFE! Then the LORD showed him that acorn(seed) had THAT VERY SAME LIFE in it. He couldn't see THE LIFE but ALL THE LIFE was just as much in THAT SEED as it was in THAT TREE. We are told in MATT. 13, that the WORD is THE SEED! So can we deduce THE LIFE is in THAT SEED? To think that THE VERY LIFE is just as much in that tiny acorn as it is in THAT HUGE OAK, then we begin to see how important THAT SEED is, because HIS LIFE is in THAT SEED........, THE WORD! The word is quickened in us(brought to life) by the SPIRIT! That LIFE that is in THAT SEED(THE WORD), is brought alive in us by THE HOLY SPIRIT! "I SEE MEN AS TREES WALKIN."
So, why did Jesus curse that poor fig tree? Because of one thing......., it wasn't bearing fruit and Jesus was NOT gonna let the fact that it was out of season stop Him from making His PROFOUND point: Because you did NOT bear fruit the KINGDOM was gonna be given to another! He then goes to the TEMPLE and they show him THIS beautiful structure; then he has to break it to them: there is soon coming a day when there will not be one stone left upon another. Of course, 70 A.D. was that fateful day that Jesus warned them about in LUKE19 came to pass, "because thou knewest not the time of thy visitation." My understanding IS that was one of the most HORRENDOUS events in the annals of history! In 70 A.D. the light of the sun went dark on Israel's KINGSHIP, and THE MOON of THE PROPHETS, and the STARS of their PRIESTHOOD. ALL because THEY DID NOT BEAR FRUIT!
[Jon Johnson, Jan 07, 2013]
Hi Mia
Your vision reminds me of a vision someone shared with me several years ago. I feel like we are living her vision and that your vision is another facet of her vision.
My friend was out walking in the woods off the path and the Lord caused her to notice the trees. Some trees were old and dead. Others were green and healthy. Some trees looked green and sturdy but when she looked closer she could see they were starting to rot inside. Some trees were dead laying over on their side, but had a green branch growing out of them. As she walked, she noticed there were many different new little trees starting to grow; there were oaks, maples, pines and evergreens. Others she did not know the name of. When she asked God about the meaning of the trees he told her the following: The trees represent churches and the people in them. Not all trees that look healthy are alive even though they might look strong at first. As you observe them you will see they have lost their life and it is a matter of time before they will be rotted all the way through. Many churches are dead or dying because they do not have the life of Christ in them. Notice all the new little trees and new growth. I am doing a new thing these days. She was told that what the churches call themselves was not important only whether they were alive in Christ. She was told not to trample on the new thing Christ was doing but to minister to it. She was instructed to speak blessings on the new thing God is doing and to nurture the people who have a vision for life-giving ministry.
[Miriam Hill, Jan 09, 2013]
I have been touched that this vision is speaking to us on so many levels. There are two main ideas I am coming away with as I reflect on what I saw:
The individual trees I saw did not have leaves or fruit but the impression of life within them remained strong. I believe the Holy Spirit was revealing structure and season to me. Remember my question was about fellowship- what does it look like and how does it function?
1) The structure of a tree- how branches grow, how they are connected and operate together. I ask myself, am I remaining connected to Christ (the root) and is His life flowing through me? If so, every relationship I have has potential for growth and for bearing fruit. I am a branch- His life must flow through me for me to live. (I love how the Bible talks about Christ as being both the root [Revelation] and the branch [Isaiah]).
2) The image of the two individual trees (the adult tree and the small sapling) was positive although the branches were bare- I come away with a desire to pray for a season of growth and springtime for us at JCF. The tree does not control the seasons. While we wait are we eating and drinking the Word, becoming stronger in adversity? Are we resting and trusting in the Lord's provision?
Some questions remain about the orchard of trees, fully green but without fruit.
I am inspired by the idea of Springtime- when the ground warms, the light is stronger, the rains come, and the sap rises in the tree-- the branches bud and produce both leaf and bloom-- it is a season of tenderness and beauty. I pray that JCF will receive this!
My mind is drawn to what is not right in the picture: the
well-formed tree with no fruit and the small tree with no leaves and no fruit.
The husbandman, keeper of trees will be concerned about a
tree that does not bear fruit. The husband will be concerned about the tree with no leaves and no fruit. I see two possibilities for the
latter tree. It is possible for the small, no leaf, no fruit tree it could be a
season of winter and is in a time of rest. Much about life teaches us to rest.
A second option for the small, no leaf, no fruit tree is that something is
wrong in the tree or the soil. This calls for a season of turning to God, seeking
and asking God for guidance, revelation and direction. The Bible word for this
action is called repentance and means to turn hard toward God.
Whether a season of reason or disease that needs to be fixed, the vision reminds me of Isaiah 30:15 This
is what the Sovereign LORD, the Holy One of Israel, says:
“In repentance and rest is your
in quietness and trust is your
but you would have none of it. (niv)
God is calling us to rest in Him but also turn to Him.
Isaiah 58 calls for prayer, fasting and serving the poor.
In the end, if these are done the glory of the Lord will rise.