Saturday, December 20, 2014


What is Christmas all about? It was a rescue mission. Rescue missions are risky, full of surprise, met by opposition and done in secret. This more accurately describes the birth of Jesus (Savior) than parts of some Christmas celebrations. God sent a Savior to the world. Do you need rescuing? Then Jesus came for you. That is what Christmas is all about. The Bible is full of God’s rescue stories. There is one that fits you and will give you hope.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Revelation Study: Jesus Out in the Open

Revelation is about end times and apocalypse. Questions about the future collide with the desire to know the unknown. Yet, the message of the book is in another direction. Jesus Christ is the central figure and his worship abounds throughout the story.

A dear friend has loaned Journey this picture. The painting is the work of David Huyard, Harrisonburg, Virginia, completed in six working days and inspired by Revelation 19. This five foot by nine foot painting hangs in the worship center of Journey Christian Fellowship.  

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Children's Ministry at JCF

Children are a blessing from God.  On loan from heaven, God charges parents with the responsibility to nurture, care for and train their children in the knowledge and experience of God.  Journey Christian Fellowship aids parents in their responsibility by

·        Helping children to see themselves through the eyes of heaven

·        Teaching the story of God’s family, the church family and their family

·        Developing the personal resources and talents of children (Luke 2:52)

·        Presenting the big picture of God in all of life.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Becky Dvorak visits JCF Sunday, March 2, for two services at 10 AM and 6 PM.

Becky, welcome back to JCF. After your last visit I said, "Wow, there are a lot of people eager for a touch from God. We are praying like the church in Acts 4, "Now Lord... stretch out your hand to heal that signs and wonders may be done through the name of Your Holy Servant Jesus."



Becky Dvorak with  Pastor Luke & Sylvia Weaver on a July 28, 2013, visit to Journey Christian Fellowship

Becky Dvorak and her husband, David, of more than 34 years, have founded LIFE Homes – Guatemala for children that have been orphaned, abandoned or born infected with the HIV Virus.  David and Becky are the parents of  eight children They have resided in   Guatemala, Central America, as missionaries since 1994.   Becky is the    Destiny Image author of Dare to Believe  and Greater Than Magic – The Supernatural Power of Faith.

 Here are links with more information