Saturday, December 20, 2014


What is Christmas all about? It was a rescue mission. Rescue missions are risky, full of surprise, met by opposition and done in secret. This more accurately describes the birth of Jesus (Savior) than parts of some Christmas celebrations. God sent a Savior to the world. Do you need rescuing? Then Jesus came for you. That is what Christmas is all about. The Bible is full of God’s rescue stories. There is one that fits you and will give you hope.

1 comment:

  1. I would be very careful about saying or thinking that rescue missions from God are hidden from us, or even risky for us. Jesus has already died for our sins via a physical death, but not spiritual death. Mary's pregnancy was a secret but only for a very short time. Since then no one should be held back from the blessings of God's love and forgiveness today when they repent and follow Him. God's real work and trusted salvation should not be hidden from others or only offered to a "select few" of man's choosing. Also, with the one true God there are no risks, but honesty and trust instead. God does not hide things from His people as He loves all of them and is open and honest with all of them and we can trust Him. I believe "rescue" missions that man creates and pursues himself stemming from man's own desires may be risky and done in secret and are often dishonest and can be very deceptive. These man fueled missions may be implied to be of God but they really are not of the true God at all. Our God is not at risk either. If we would think that God was putting Himself at risk to save us then He would no longer be the all powerful, concrete, and all knowing God that He actually is, but a weak vulnerable God which we know that He is not.....Jesus died for us physically and even then He was not at risk, not in the least bit, as He is the one and only son of God and God fully protected Him so that He could have eternal life just as we can have eternal life when we follow Him and accept Him into our heart, all of us. The surprise part can be true for people, as we may be surprised by God's work in our lives, but God is never surprised since our one and only God is an all knowing and powerful God and He knows us completely inside and out. He created us so He is never surprised.... Yes God can be and often is met by oppositions, and those who wish to betray Him, or do betray Him either knowingly or unknowingly, but God knows this, and He never betrays Himself or others. His rescue mission is not risky for us when we put Him first, nor hidden from us, nor surprising for Him in the least. We need to trust Him, and Him alone, and not man's own desires for us, nor man's devices for secret "rescues" of us which are deceptive and may be designed to hijack God's real desire for us in our lives of real love, and freedom, and forgiveness. God does not hide from us or anyone when we desire Him and seek Him fully, and truly accept Him in our heart...Amen.
